Hardwood Moulding Installation
Architectural details done with hardwood mouldings are the perfect finishing touches to your workmanship. Chair rails, crown mouldings and other decorative enhancements in oak, poplar, cherry, maple, ash, walnut and beautiful North American hardwoods go a long way toward making your work into a showcase.
Remember that hardwoods need an acclimation period. All hardwoods absorb and lose moisture, resulting in expansion or contraction. For this reason the jobsite needs to be prepared prior to moulding delivery and sufficient time needs to be allowed prior to installation.
Install all windows and doors, and maintain the occupancy-level temperature for at least five days, prior to delivery. When delivered, separate the moulding into small lots and store them where they will be installed. Allow at least a week for hardwood mouldings to acclimate to surroundings
When cutting apply pressure parallel with the blade. A force perpendicular to the turn base, as well as a change in the pressure direction could impair the precision of a cut during the cut. The compound sliding miter saw is best when cutting large architectural mouldings (4-1/2” and wider), as it permits long, precise miters; it also allows you to work with the wood laid down instead of at an awkward angle.
Once properly cut and finished you’re ready to install. It’s best to pre-drill nail holes in all mouldings to avoid marring the finish. Use construction adhesive where mouldings meet the wall and use wood glue in the mitered corners. Once the adhesive has set complete the installation by nailing the moulding securely to the studs with a nail gun
Some time you might accidentally damage a piece of moulding with a hammer. To fix this simply drill a shallow hole in the dent with a 1/16” bit, then apply wood filler and retouch with the matching stain. The holes help anchor the wood filler.
If you make a bad cut on an angled piece of moulding, correct the error by making a clean cut on the inside of the defect. Once you have the proper angle, cut the moulding to fit by trimming the opposite end. (This is why it’s important to specify extra moulding).
Keep leftover wood pieces in a scrap bin or milk jug. These pieces work well for decorative, matching, and contrasting parts. They’re also handy for screw plugs.